Misor/Miser/Mizer Deed Records, McMinn County, TN
Requested in 1967 by Miser Genealogist
Alfonso “Al” Boffo

21 June 1967                               

Mrs. Sue (C. L.) Williams
P. O. Box 351
Athens, Tennessee 37305

Will you kindly get me photocopies (not necessarily certified) of the following:

1. Land Grant 1800 to John Mizer from the State of Tennessee, referred to in deed John Misor & Elijah Misor to W. B. Porter, Deed Book C, p. 363. I am assuming these lands are part of the lands for which John was taxed in 1830/31/33 as found listed by in the early tax lists that have been found to 1850. Will you try to ascertain this? Advise me either way, affirmative or negative.

2. Land Grant (Tenn.) # 2536 taken out 12/4/1820 by George Miser and assigned to John Miser 2/17/1821. Grant Issued 2/21/1833. Bk. C, p. 78. Land in Monroe County close to Tellico Plains. Bk. C, p. 358

3. Deed James Bower to John Mizor dated 7/26/1830, reg, 9/26/1835.
(This deed found by Mary Fern Souder)
Deed Book A, McMinn County, TN, page 78-79, 26 July 1830
John Mizor bought 40 acres from from James Bower(s), NW 1/4, S 21, T 3, R 2, in McMinn County, TN, for $365.
Signed: James Bower (his seal)
Joah Smith, Wit.
Thomas L. Robertson, Wit.

4. John Mizor sold 150 acres to (his oldest son) Michael (5/1) on 24 October 1837.
John (his X mark) Mizor
John (his signature) Buttram
Elijah (his signature) Mizer

5. Deed John Mizer & Elijah Mizer to W. B. Porter, dated 1/17/1835, reg.

6. Deed James Bower to John Mizor to Michael Mizor 2/24/1835 reg. same day, Book C, p. 367.

7. Deed Michael Mizer to John Mizer 2/26/1840 ack. Same day. Book F, p. 445.

8. John Mizer to Wm. B. Porter 12/21/1840, Ack Same day. Book F, p. 490?
John (his X mark) Mizer
Witnesses unavailable

9. John Mizer to Benjamin Maxwell 12/21/1840, ack. Same day. Book F, p. 500.

10. John Miser to Benj. Maxwell ack. 10/21/1841. Book G, p. 203.
John (his X mark) Miser
Witness: Manuel (his X mark) Markinsen
Joseph (his X mark) Parsons

Additionally, I should like a present day map, tax or other, covering the areas of the above lands, and I would like the map superimposed with the locations of the above lands, properly identified. Hope you can do it! Send me your bill covering your service and/or expenses and check will follow at once.

Anticipating your reply in due time, I am,

                                                Yours very truly,
                                    Al Boffo